Monday, 29 December 2014

Monday Rundown- Holiday Edition

Whew! What a week! Sorry I failed to post last week, but Jacob made it in early on Sunday morning and the rest of the week from that moment on was pretty much a whirlwind!

We got to spend 6 glorious family days together cooking, baking, playing and visiting. We retired early on the night of the solstice and slept extra long. Even though we didn't do anything particularly special I think getting the extra sleep was a fitting way to mark the longest night of the year. The next two days were passed by preparing for Christmas Day and Christmas Eve.

When Christmas Eve finally rolled around we had a wonderful day visiting family. Then on Christmas Day Jacob made duck and other delicious dishes for our Christmas dinner and I got to pull my Great Grandmother's linens out of the closet and use them for the first time in two years. The kids made out like bandits both days with some beautiful and thoughtful presents.

Friday was spent enjoying each other's company, having a nice dinner out and then visiting the Christmas light at the Louisville Mega Cavern. We had to be up early the next morning to drive Jacob to the train station in Indianapolis to catch his 6am train. Saturday and Sunday were spent putting the house back together, resting and nursing the wound that Jacob's leaving always causes.

In the coming week I plan to pack up the Christmas tree and put away the lights. It seems like I just put them up not too long ago. Funny how time seems to pass by more quickly the older I get. I hope that in the coming week I can carve out the time to plan for the new year. I plan on making plans to savor every bit of time I have with my growing baby, my ittle boy and enjoying the fleeting moments I get with my husband.

Hope you all had a great holiday season and are making grand plans for the new year! Have a great week!

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