If you've been to the gas pump lately you've no doubt noticed that gas prices are down significantly. While this is great for the rest of the country in the interim (it does have negative long term implications) it's disastrous for our family. Jacob's hours have been cut by half and since most of what he makes is from overtime his paycheck has taken a very significant hit. We are okay for the moment, but it's not sustainable for the longterm. This means either I go back to work or find a way to pick up the slack while working from home. Of course I prefer the latter since it means that I can spend more time at home with the kids. Which brings me to the good goings on...
In the interest of bring more income into our household I've been VERY busy working on projects!
I've finally finished all my Dr. Sear's wellness coaching and pregnancy and postpartum coaching classes. I hope to start offering the online versions of these courses starting this Monday as soon as I launch my new website so please stay tuned! These are really awesome and powerful classes that are super fun and interactive! I love the way the material is presented and the way it translates for implementation into a home setting. Seriously. These classes are AH-MAZING!
I've put a ton of new things up in the etsy store and am planning on doing a lot more in the coming weeks. If you haven't checked it out lately go do it now!
I've also started working on my courses for childbirth education, postpartum and birth doula work and lactation education. While it's going to take me awhile to get through the course work I hope to be doing some postpartum doulaing and childbirth education classes by early this fall.
Of course with all this work and taking care of the house and two kids I'm exhausted. However, despite the gray clouds looming overhead, I am actually pretty happy with all the work I've been doing and I hope that you with join me on some of these journeys in the coming days as I post new arts and crafts, new classes and new coaching and doula offerings! Have a great weekend folks!