Saturday, 22 June 2013

An Update-ish.

I know it's been a while since I updated this blog. A great many huge life altering things have happened in the time I have been away.

First, it is with a bit of sadness that am announcing that Walnut Cottage is for sale. With Jacob gone managing everything became impossible for me to do alone while working outside the home. We were required under the mortgage to stay in the house for 3 years after purchase and that three years was up at the end of February. The house went on the market in April. This is the reason I quit blogging. I didn't want to make it any harder on myself by creating lovely posts about the house while trying to disconnect myself from it.

The next step in our plan was to whittle down all our worldly possessions to what we could carry in the car and join Jacob in North Dakota. We did this, but unfortunately, oilfield life is extremely unpredictable and Will and I are now back in Kentucky. All I can say is, if you are an oilfield family (or really any family for that matter) save, save, save your pennies! Thankfully, we saved our pennies and are fine and are now back on the upswing.

We are planning to return to North Dakota in a few weeks, but in the meantime was are hanging out here at Walnut Cottage having a great time. We are enjoying the warm, sultry Kentucky summer complete with runs through the sprinkler, solstice celebrations, lemonade popsicles and lots and lots of crafty, arty things.

The house is still for sale and it could sell any time so I suppose that this is my good-bye post from Walnut Cottage. But never fear! This is certainly not the end of my blogging days.

I have been putting together a new blog about camper life in North Dakota. I have been struggling with the name for a few months now and I'm not completely satisfied yet. Once I finally settle on it here in the next few days I will start blogging there about our preparations to go back to North Dakota, then about our trip and finally on making our camper a home. I truly hope that everyone who has followed our family on our journey at Walnut Cottage will join us at the new blog when it goes live.

Well, that's all folks! So long from Walnut Cottage! It's been fun for me and hopefully for you, too! I hope to see you at the new blog!

Lots of love!
