Monday, 19 March 2012

Airbnb Season! And lots of seedlings too...

Greetings ya'll!

If you've read this blog before you know that I've mentioned the fact that we rent our guest bedroom on the website . Given all of our surgeries and such this past fall we had taken down our listing for a while and hadn't had any guests for a long time. However, now that spring has sprung (well, it will officially do so tomorrow) we are getting lots of inquiries! Very exciting! That said I will be posting a page with information about in season items that our guests can enjoy during their stay and for anyone else to purchase if they're interested.

In the same vein we will soon have lots of seedlings for sale. All are raised from heirloom or organic seed stock and as they become available I will be posting them on the In Season page as well. So, if you're in need of garden plants stay tuned and we should have lots available soon! Each plant will be $2.00 and will come already hardened off in a compostable paper pot.

Hooray Spring!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The Joys of Spring - In Pictures

Building Fairy Houses

Watching Our Seedlings Grow

Hey Mommy! Look!  A bug! Take a picture!

Pass along plants from neighbors.

Despite the chickens best efforts to destroy my Valerian, it is in fact coming back!

And herbs, (Sage)

Herbs, (Horehound)

Herbs! (Parsley)

Including a nice patch of Yarrow that Will thought it would fun to roll in!

Happy Spring Everyone!