Monday, 31 October 2011

Winter Classes

It's time for warm woolies classes! You can go ahead and pre-register using the PayPal buttons below or if you'd prefer to pay at the time of the class then send me an email and I will put you down on the list. Remember, there are only a limited number of seats available so pre-registering is essential! If you are registering via PayPal please remember to leave your name and contact information in the Special Instructions sections during check out.

Intro to Loom Knitting - $10

Sunday January 8th @ 3:00pm

This 30 minutes course will teach all the basics stitches you need to get you started. You will need one loom and tool and a skein of yarn.

Loom Knitting Warm Woolies - $40

Tuesdays @ 6:30 January 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st.

This will be a one hour course consisting of four sessions where you will learn to knit a basic hat, gloves and scarf. For this course you will need to have a round loom set with tool which can be purchased at many craft and big box stores as well the yarn of your choice. If your yarn is not bulk weight you will need to have enough skeins to double strand your projects.

Loom Knit Sweater -$40

Sundays @ 6:30 January 15th, 22nd, 29th and February 5th

This will be a one hour course consisting of four sessions where you will learn to knit a sweater, either adult or child sized. For this course you will need to have a set of long looms that can be purchased at many craft and big box stores as well the yarn of your choice. If your yarn is not bulk weight you will need to have enough skeins to double strand your projects.

All classes will include tea and cookies. Young children and nursing babies welcome. We will have a place set up for them and someone to watch them.

Prep Day

Happy Monday, folks! So far no disasters yet so I'm going to consider it a win! Lots on the agenda for this week and to top it all off today is Halloween! And of course I still have one eye left to sew on Will's costume! Go figure! Always something to do! That's why it's so important to have a game plan. So, here it is, the goals for this week.

-Finalize plans for next year's barter version of the CSA
-Post winter and spring class schedule
-Add on to Poppy Swap web store and get some pictures of products
-Have the family work on their quilt squares
-Take inventory of what is done and better organize the Christmas list
-Prep the house for J's surgery
-Get the front room ready for painting

Think I can do it? We shall! Ready! Set! Go!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

WIP Wednesday

So, I've really been trying to kick things in to gear for my Handmade Holiday Project this year. Yesterday I started working on a Cthulhu Holiday Ornament for Jacob. Feeling a bit frustrated though as this is my first experience with an m1 and trying to do an m1 on the first row is really giving me fits! I think I've ripped it out about three times now. I'm hoping this next time will be the charm!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

My Pretty Girl and Handsome Boy

Bunnies have been a huge part of my of my life for the past 10 years. My bunny fever started out when I decided I wanted a pet and I thought a bunny would be a quiet, unobtrusive and easy to care for pet. My first bunny, Bunnicula, would show me just how off base my assumptions were! I never imagined how much personality and sass one bunny could possibly have. Nor would I have thought I could have become so attached to what I thought was just a simple bunny. But Bunnicula snorted, thumped and nipped his way into my heart and I couldn't be more grateful. Unfortunately, this past spring Bunnicula passed away due to old age. I'm glad I could spend his last few moments with him and despite the fact that I am still pretty sad about his passing I know that he is with me every time I go out and work in my herb garden where he is buried under the azaleas.

That said, it has taken me several months to decide that it was time to add new bunnies to the family, but I finally took the plunge and have adopted two English Angoras who are sweet as can be. We name our little Ruby Eye White girl Alice after Alice in Wonderland and Martin after Martin Van Buren because J thinks the hair on his face looks like Van Buren's side burns. I'm so happy to have bunnies in my life again and it makes it even better than I can spin their fur! Yay bunnies!